Tuesday, November 20, 2012


So...haven't posted in FOREVER, I know.  Real life intervened and I haven't been reading/writing/drawing/feeding my creative side in the slightest.  At least, not unil right around Halloween.  Finally finished the Hunger Games trilogy, OMG that took me way to long to get around to, but what's really got me pumped is NaNoWriMo.
But, despite my good intentions, things haven't gone quite so well on that frong either.  Had three ideas mapped out so I could just work this month...only, none of them really spoke to me as much as I thought they did.  Or maybe the characters just weren't feeling particularly chatty.  I'm a little fuzzy on that front.  All I know is I seriously thought I was gonna stay stuck.
And then my BF finished her semester, headed home for break, and invited me to my first write-in.  How awesome!  Much more condusive to writing than I expected, admittedly, I'm one of those people who holes up and misses entire albums of music when I'm in the writing zone, normally.  Got more done in one sitting than I've gotten done in months, sadly it's really been that long.  Still, I'm totally the underacheiver of the group, partly because of my late start, and partly because I refuse to start writing on my computer.  I know, I know, archaic, but I'm a handwriter.  Thankfully, my creativity has managed a resurface, and it just won't quit.  High hopes that I'll close on the 50k goal.  It's only like...4k a day for the rest of the month to get there.  I'm sure I can do it.
Another surprise, it's the fantasy storyline I was set to give up on that pulled through rather than the dystopian line that I planned to work on.  And, yet another, I made a new friend of our ML.  Not surprising that I made a friend, or even that my new friend is the ML.  No, the surprise is that we spent nearly two hours chatting and carrying on before realizing why we thought we knew each other.  Our sisters are really close!  And, silly us, we spent two hours missing the resemblances.  I'm looking forward to writing and baking days!  Oh, and can't forget the character doom, a necessary evil.
For once, my BF and I have placed my story body-count at higher than hers, as my world is very Alagaesia/Shannara/Middle Earth-eske, in that it's in the middle of a post-war apocolypse stage before the climactic war where the heroes take back the land from evil.
Anyways, back to dooming Torryn and Merewyn and the self-called outlaw 'Wolf".
Happy Readings!  And, more importantly this month, Happy Writing!  Write.  WRITE!

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