Friday, February 24, 2012

Reviews: Daimon & Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Normally, I'd do seperate reviews, but seeing as Daimon is the Covenant Series' prequel, I'll make an exception. So excited that the Lux Prequel Shadows is out now! Can't wait for more of both series', not to mention individual novels!
Years ago, Alex and her Mom fled the Covenant. Alex never asked why. Now living among the humans, a Demi-god and her half Demi daughter, they're in hiding. Alex misses her life at the Covenant. There she had purpose and didn't have to hide what she was. But now, all Alex knows from both lives is threatened as the Daimons close in.
5/5 stars: fast-paced, a page-turner, and very compelling
My reaction:
I did read this before Half-Blood, and I'm glad I did. Haing done my research on the series beforehand, I already wondered what had happened before Alex came back to the Covenant. Even though this novella consists of only a few days before Alex's return, there's enough in it to make you want more right away, to let you get to know Alex without her status, without her superpowers (at least not all of them).

Alex is back, with a vengeance. Badass attitude, awesome superpowers, jerky uncle, super-hot trainer and all. She's in training on superspeed now, needing to catch up. But things are far more unsettled than she remembers. Strange things are happening. And what seems the most normal just might be by far the most dangerous.
8/5 stars: five just isn't enough! Compelling from the start, rich back-history/culture, and a kick-ass heroine with a mouth and attitude to match.
My reaction: Oh my GAWD! I love it! Demi-gods! And their kids. I'd never considered how Demi-gods, grown up (because I've read and adored Percy Jackson too), would act together, with humans, and what their kids (with humans or with each other) would be like. More please! Do I really have to wait until April? Alex reminds me of my very best friend and I adore her nearly as much (sorry, must be loyal to Sasha, no matter Alex's levels of awesomeness). Aiden is the best, though he seems cool most of the time. Not sure about Seth, being set up not to like him like that, though he's a cool character for sure.

Counting the days until Pure and Deity! Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!!!
Happy readings!

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