Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday

So, I'm starting to think that all my favorite authors got together, had a party, and decided to come out with new books in the near future.  There are so many books on my to-get list.  Obviously, I'm so excited about the official release of Shattered, but there are almost a dozen others that I'm waiting for.  Namely: City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare, A Shiver of Light by Laurell K. Hamilton, Sinner by Maggie Stiefvater, Jennifer L. Armentrout's Lux: Beginnings & Lux: Consequences & Lux:  Opposition, and I'm uber excited about C.C. Hunter's Reborn and Eternal!

If you don't read any of these authors, I highly recommend them all.  And, if you do, I'm sure that you share my excitement!  F.Y.I., for those of you who read C.C. Hunter, there's a promo going right now:
If you pre-order Reborn and present proof of purchase under this link, you get a FREE copy of Shadow Falls:  The Beginning.  How cool is that?
Happy Readings!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Teaser Tuesday: Scorched & Shattered

Alright, guys, it's my Dragon week.  Mari Mancusi's Dragons.  So here are some teasers from Scorched and Shattered.

Scorched by Mari Mancusi
They came at noon, black shadows dancing across the sky, drowning out the sun.  Their cries echoed through chambers and courtyards.  Their fire blazed down narrow streets.
Some dropped to their knees in prayer.  Others tried to flee.  But in the end, they all fell down--ashes choking their lungs, flames singeing their flesh.
There was no place to run.  No place to hide.
They would find you.
And when they would surely burn.
--The Scorch
by Julian Bachman, year 54 PS
Awesome, right?  And that's just the prologue.  My review upcoming!
And now for Shattered, which for those of you who don't know, is the sequel to Scorched.
Shattered by Mari Mancusi
The monster was back.
Somehow Scarlet could always tell.  As if she had a sixth sense, warning her when he was near.  A hint of smoke, tickling her nostrils, a low growl echoing in her ears.  An uneasiness prickling at the back of her neck as her pulse throbbed in her throat--her consciousness gearing up for the inevitable fight or flight that was sure to come.
Should she face him this time?  Or was it better to run?
With the monster, it was usually better to run.
Alright, that should be enough to whet your appetite for more.  And if it isn't, check out what I have to say in my upcoming review.
Happy reading!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Barbara Vey 3rd Annual Reader's Appreciation Luncheon 2014

The Barbara Vey Luncheon was this past Saturday!  For those of you who missed it, look out for next year's.  Website is here:
60 authors attended, all shown in the photo above (which I got from Barbara's Vey's page).  60!  That's almost ten times the amount of authors that I'd ever been in a room with until Friday night's Q&A session.  From all over the country, authors I'd probably never have gotten the opportunity to meet came to this Milwaukee event.  For the price of my entrance fee, I received a tote of books, a bag of coverflats/bookmarks/various swag, a seat at Mari Mancusi's table for lunch, the opportunity to win any of the authors' doorprizes, gifts from Mari for being one of her table, and entry to the book-signing event which included opportunities for more free swag.
I met more than a dozen authors that I already read, and another several dozen that I've added to my TBR list.  My "Shirt of Authors" was a big hit with the 40 authors I managed to get to the tables to sign it.  Christie Craig a.k.a. C.C. Hunter spent an entire hour Friday night just talking to my friend Julia, her Mom, and I!  We totally fan-girled for that, not to mention Saturday afternoon when we got to know Mari Mancusi.  Everyone was so nice and friendly, and it was very much as Debbie Macomber said in her keynote: a big family reunion.
None of our table won Mari's doorprize, so she "raffled" off an ARC of Shattered, which comes out on September 1st, and I was the lucky winner, since my birthday is September 10th.  Will be reviewing both Scorched and Shattered here and on GoodReads in the next week or so, as I promised Mari on Saturday.
  Until then, Happy Readings!  Kate